Obduction russian machine
Obduction russian machine

It has more content and engagement than 90% of puzzle games out there. This isn't to say Obduction isn't worth playing. Whilst many of the puzzles are clever and challenging without being unintuitive, they are spread a bit to thinly between much easier puzzles that mainly involve travelling a great deal (which makes me wonder why on earth they would include a 'point-and-click' control option). By the time what you learned at the beginning becomes relevant, you'll already have forgotten it all, leading to an ending that feels abrupt and left many people (judging from the forums) wondering what the hell happened. For much of the first half, there's quite a bit to read and learn and the game gives the impression of great depth, in the vein of games like Bioshock and Alien:Isolation. But if you're unwilling to try teleportating (which is the answer quite often) because you don't want to sit on your hands while the game loads, you're going to spend far longer solving puzzles than you might have and you'll feel very frustrated when you do. Games like this encourage you to try everything to solve puzzles. As well as being very frustrating, it makes the game much harder. On a high-end machine, these can be up to a minute long each time. In some sections, you'll be teleporting between them several times in a space of about 5 minutes.

obduction russian machine

It features several worlds, which you regularly have to teleport between to solve puzzles.

obduction russian machine

Yes, lots of games have long load times but it particularly hurts Obduction because of one of its core game play mechanics. You should definitely consider them before buying too.


In some I'd love to give this game full marks, but there's one or two reasons why I can't.

obduction russian machine

I'd love to give this game full marks, but there's one or two reasons why I can't.

Obduction russian machine